Partner with us in fulfilling the Great Commission!

You too have a strategic role to play in fulfilling the Great Commission through prayer and one or more of the following supports.

Make a donation

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Help equip a church planter for five days by giving just $150

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Become a personal supporter of one or more of HOME’s strategic coaches and/or regional workers, of your choice for $50 or more a month;

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Become one of the regular HO-ME member partners by your monthly donation of $100; Contact us for a specific project and other supports in mind

Send equipped church planter to the unreached people of Ethiopia by supporting $100 per month

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Sponsor one or more high school and/or campus student for just $100, per person, to be trained and become a mission mobilizer

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Connect with us for prayer and professional support

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Sponsor $600 per month to send one cross cultural worker to strategic site outside of Ethiopia

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Release and sustain self-supportive missionaries by giving a one-time seed fund of $1600 per person

Subscribe to receive more information, news and reports


Berhan Bank
Filamingo Branch

Account Number: 2600280003970
Swift Code: BERHETAA

Awash Bank
Megenagna Branch

Account Number: 01304066083200

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Gerji Branch

Account Number: 1000105832827
Swift Code: CBETETAA

Our US partner can also give

Check payment to Horn of Africa, PO Box 4125, Mountain View, CA. 94040, USA